Who Are Laminated Veneers Applied?

Laminated veneers, as it comes from the name laminated, are aesthetic veneers made in a very thin layer on the front of the tooth. Instead of cutting and shrinking the entire tooth from the front surface of the tooth, it is a more protective approach and a very thin layer of abrasion only on the front surface of the tooth and a small porcelain plaque. Who are the candidates for laminated veneers? There are very special cases of this, especially in order to eliminate the open and bad appearance between the teeth, which we call diastema. It is applied in cases with discoloration, diastema between the teeth and slight crowding in the teeth. Anyone who has completed their growth development can benefit from this application.

What is the treatment period for laminated veneers?

Laminated veneers are completed in an average of 2-3 sessions. This is an estimated 1 week and 10 days, when the patient first arrives, the front surface of the teeth is cut with light abrasions, then a measure is taken, laminates are prepared according to this measure, then in the second session these porcelains are placed on the teeth and aesthetic harmony is achieved and the polishing process. In the 2nd session, these leaf porcelains are placed on the teeth and their aesthetic harmony is ensured and they are sent to the laboratory for polishing. sent to the laboratory for. 3. And in the last session, the bonding process is done and the treatment is completed.

Advantages of laminated counterparts?

Since laminated veneers allow minimal abrasion on the tooth tissue, they protect healthy tissues. It allows less invasive procedures than classical porcelain restorations. Tissue responses are excellent and their surface properties are very close to natural teeth. Again, porcelain laminates are pleasing in aesthetic results since they provide light transmission similar to natural teeth.

Maintenance of laminated veneers?

The decay of a laminated tooth or a veneered tooth may be as follows; in the same way we look at our own teeth, we should look at the laminated or veneered tooth in the same way, the decay probability of a normal tooth is the same as the decay probability of a laminated tooth.

Why should laminated veneers be preferred?

Normally, cuts are made from all four sides of the tooth in veneer crowns in tooth cutting. In laminated applications, a very small amount of cut is made. Therefore, veneer is more preferred than crowns Its advantages such as very good aesthetics, being compatible with the tooth because it is very thin, and the patient getting used to it very quickly make it preferred more.

Do laminated veneers make bad breath?

As in other applications, they do not cause bad breath as long as they are done well by the physician and as long as the patient pays attention to oral hygiene.